Friday, December 29, 2006
What a lovely day today ! I still wonder if it's Easter or almost New Year ? Having this weather is kinda quaint. I'm startled but delighted with it as well. The assertion that the winter is gonna come in January doesn't comfort me.
Well, tonight I'm gonna party, wild or accuaretely, uh? It better would be scrumptious!
I wish I had found a basset under Xmas tree, but but...
So, Im about to start preparing for the night. Cya
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Today I had to get up earlier than a qaurter to eight, oh gosh,though it is saturday,I HAD TO! A pilot exam in german. Despite the bus was obviously late, I got there almost on time. Other pretty details are still in my mind. It took about 3 sunny hours to fulfil this thingy. No excitement or something!
Well the best is gonna be the beigin of December, my flight to Berlin! Hopefully I'll stay there lol. The itinerary is already set. So I just can imagine the flight attendant bringing me a glass of juice. The flight,besides,is through. Luckily or unfortunately?
What a breathtaking event ;)
Friday, November 10, 2006
The Art and Science of Psychology
How did psychology begin?
"Psychology", a scholar observed, "has a long past", but only a short history. As a science, it can be said to have begun about 100 years ago, when Wilhelm Wundt opened a psychological labaratory in Germany. Yet an interest in mind and behaviour is at least as old as human records.
Most of the great themes of modern psychology can be traced to ancient Greece. Almost three thousand years ago, the poet Hommer marveled at the range of human personality and credited the gods. Aristotle's concept of catharsis was partly a theory of pshychotherapy.
What people want from psychology?
Most of us want to know how recent advances in psychology and brain physiology can help us and our families get more out of life. There are tantalizing indications that,with new information, we will be better able to manage our feelings, better able to use our minds. What many people want most is information on how to rear healthy, outgoing children. Our children need to be armoured against dangers, confident in carrying on our cherished traditions.
scholar mokslininkas insight izvalgumas
observe (pa)stebeti prescribe nurodyti,israsyti
tantalize kankinti erzinti treatment elgimasis,gydymas
marvel at stebetis zavetis credit pasitikejimas,patiketi
cherish puoseleti (vilti) concept savoka ideja
armour sarvai,apsarvuoti purge isvalymas isvalyti
amplify padidinti pabrezti (svarba) assertion tvirtinimas
maze labirintas vein vena
assertion tvirtinimas preconception isankstine nuomone
How did psychology begin?
"Psychology", a scholar observed, "has a long past", but only a short history. As a science, it can be said to have begun about 100 years ago, when Wilhelm Wundt opened a psychological labaratory in Germany. Yet an interest in mind and behaviour is at least as old as human records.
Most of the great themes of modern psychology can be traced to ancient Greece. Almost three thousand years ago, the poet Hommer marveled at the range of human personality and credited the gods. Aristotle's concept of catharsis was partly a theory of pshychotherapy.
What people want from psychology?
Most of us want to know how recent advances in psychology and brain physiology can help us and our families get more out of life. There are tantalizing indications that,with new information, we will be better able to manage our feelings, better able to use our minds. What many people want most is information on how to rear healthy, outgoing children. Our children need to be armoured against dangers, confident in carrying on our cherished traditions.
scholar mokslininkas insight izvalgumas
observe (pa)stebeti prescribe nurodyti,israsyti
tantalize kankinti erzinti treatment elgimasis,gydymas
marvel at stebetis zavetis credit pasitikejimas,patiketi
cherish puoseleti (vilti) concept savoka ideja
armour sarvai,apsarvuoti purge isvalymas isvalyti
amplify padidinti pabrezti (svarba) assertion tvirtinimas
maze labirintas vein vena
assertion tvirtinimas preconception isankstine nuomone
Sunday, October 01, 2006
What a silly day. Good heavens! Monday,please don't come... What a nice day today. Lol and I was only messing around. Ain't it boring? I may become bad-tempered.Or even a couch potato lol. No,actually I needed to take a rest.After this weekend I should be perked up. Take a guess what am I listening to...No, not because I got high...'Maneater'. About weather now: sunny,warm-stunning fall !
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Well, that's the other day of my life. I woke up at 8 o'clock, got sms from Laura. She offered me to got with her and Ausra to bazaar. I actually did it. And we all found something for ourselves. I bought a stylish jeans, girls said looks fetching! It was sunny bright warm. The repair in our house causes me headache. From early morning till now!! Can you imagine (or at least to believe?)
Fucking plain day.
Fucking plain day.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
"The world is spacious, colourful, but at the same time changeable nad fragile. Perhaps that is why a man is attracted to travel.
The journey around the world begins in Shanghai, China. Chinese were capable to retain their stunning wing-roofs in a tremendous metropolis. Unfortunately nothing is natural there, even rocks are brought by a man.
The next place worth to see is Australia, the homeland of Steve Irwin. Sydney Opera house and The Great Barrier Reef are the landmarks of Australia. Kangaroos are undeniable symbol of the land as well.
I can't miss Iceland too. It was the first country that approved the Independence of Lithuania. Iceland is the country of severe climate, unique nature and sparse population. 30 active vulcanos, geysers and hardly 30 thousand inhabitants.
To summarize, travelling is the best way to get to know the world and people round about.
That's all ...phew. How you ike it ;)
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Vel sekmadienis,savaite kaip esu namie. Sviete lyg ir saule ir sast..lyja, apniuke.
Ryt i mokykla. Sakyciau dziaugiuosi paskutiniais menesiais, manau kalbu tikrai neapleisiu. Ir dar palengvinimas - egzus galima bus perlaikyti.Vakar Lietuva-Italija futbole 1:1. Siandiena krepsinyje Lietuva-Vokietija 76:62. Lietuva tik septintoje vietoje. Geriau nei nieko,bet.
Ryt i mokykla. Sakyciau dziaugiuosi paskutiniais menesiais, manau kalbu tikrai neapleisiu. Ir dar palengvinimas - egzus galima bus perlaikyti.Vakar Lietuva-Italija futbole 1:1. Siandiena krepsinyje Lietuva-Vokietija 76:62. Lietuva tik septintoje vietoje. Geriau nei nieko,bet.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006
Pagaliau geguze!! Gerai,laisva diena,deja per langa atrodo ne itin silta.
Stai ka raso apie melyna spalva:
Dangaus ir vandens spalva įvairiose kultūrose simbolizuoja amžinybę, ištikimybę ir stiprius jausmus. Krikščioniškoje simbolikoje ji visada reiškė kažkokią nepasiekiamą dievišką tiesą. Mėlyna rūbų spalva byloja apie mokėjimą pergyventi, nerimauti. Ši spalva yra vienalytė su supančiu pasauliu. Ją myli truputį uždari, sukaustyti žmonės. "Mėlynos alkis" paprastai reiškia poreikį pasitikėjimo ir draugiškų jausmų.
Siek tiek nuobodziauju vel...absurdiska + apgailetina.
Kai pagalvoju, kad ilgai nebenoreciau cia tverti ir gal ,gal po metu jau kvepuosiu kitu oru ir busiu tarp kitu zmoniu,o kaip to noreciau!!!:)Savarankiskas gyvenimas,kiti snukeliai,'grynas' oras,laisve laisve ir pasitenkinimas tuo ka darau(turbut)...
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Jau nelauktai atjojo.Penktadieni jau nebereikejo eiti i tarnyba.Ketvirtadieni vaziavau vokieciu dar mokytis.Zvilgsniai...juokai,o paskui ilgos apmastymu akimirkos.Ar tikrai,kaip tai galetu buti?
Siandien bjauri diena,atostogos atrodo bus nekokios.Lasnoja.Kiek gali? Vakar buvo sauleta,metines.Gera diena.
Siandien bjauri diena,atostogos atrodo bus nekokios.Lasnoja.Kiek gali? Vakar buvo sauleta,metines.Gera diena.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Monday, January 23, 2006
Hi...pirmadienis,tai viska pasako apie sia diena ;) vis dar buvo ~ -19,taigi mokykla nebuvo perpildyta,toli grazu...kaip as laukiu pavasario,ypac po to kai vakar stebejau saulelydi ir isivazidavau aplink zaluma,smagu lekima dviraciu,kai zydes geles ir bus visai kitokia nuotaika...mmm kaip bus besibaigią mokslo metai,šiltos dienos ir pamirštos nemalonios žiemiškos dienos...!AaaA...Kaip malonu pavargus po lakstymo dviraciu griuti ir uzmigti,mano siu keliu menesiu tikslas butu pasiekti geresniu rezultatu *profesineje srityje*.Nors savijauta galetu buti ir geresne,taciau taip miela ir gera svajoti apie pavasari,bet isisvajoti nera taip lengva kaip gali atrodyti...
Sunday, January 22, 2006
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